Poor minds talk about People, average minds talk about Events, and Great minds talk about IDEAS.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Convert Your Leisure Into Productive Time.

Part of our life as human is leisure. The purpose of this is to recharge and refresh our whole being; the physical, spiritual, and mental aspect of it. But putting more focus to leisure sometimes divert our attention into it. Leisure can be done indoor and outdoor, the games we play are leisure. Sometimes we put more time and focus to leisure, especially if we believe in this line, "Do anything that will make you happy." It is good if that thing that will make us happy will lead us into success or will help us get rich. But if the thing that will make you happy will lead you into poverty, forget about it. Of course, we don't aspire and plan to live in poverty.

If we really want to succeed, convert any unproductive time to be productive, to produce more is to have more. Our dreams, the big and small can't be counted in our fingers only, we want to have more. The opportunities that can be seen and acquire is unlimited. Give just the appropriate time for your aim and goals. Don't neglect doing any activity that will support and move you towards your goal.

Don’t settle, read more..

Improve your leadership. http://leadership-styles.blogspot.com/
Re-invent relationship. http://iloveyou-mydear.blogspot.com/
Be healthy and harvest more. http://healthy-harvest.blogspot.com/
Advertising, and our stories. http://jonaflor-micfren.blogspot.com/
Acquire new knowledge. http://learner-spot.blogspot.com/
If you take it, share it. http://takeitorshareit.blogspot.com/
Information of Educational change. http://ineduchange.webs.com


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