Poor minds talk about People, average minds talk about Events, and Great minds talk about IDEAS.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When You Are Visible to Others, It's Best To Be Visibly Busy.

It is an standard operating procedure to wait for your turn and time to be accommodated by a busy individual. But if you are seen relax and not occupied with any activity, the tendency is, your inviting or giving signal to others to distract and sip your time. The situation to be visibly busy in not easy, but is is an advantage to the one who is always doing it, he will accomplish many things and the tendency to be disturb will be minimize. Besides it will motivate and encourage others to work seriously.
Don't let yourself be victim of time suckers. Your visibility and exposure as always busy should be maintained. Your time must always be occupied with work, it is not the work that will drain and punish you, but it is the work that will inspire and motivate you as you move on. A work that will enhance your ability and productivity is much recommended. It will be good if there are a lot of work to consume your time and effort, work will not only provide you money but satisfaction, good health, and life.


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