Poor minds talk about People, average minds talk about Events, and Great minds talk about IDEAS.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The LESS time I do, the MORE I Make

It is always supposed that the more time we work or performed our task, the more production and better accomplishment we have.
But in our modern period where everything are valuable, we must see to it that everything we do will count and shorter period of work equals to more and quality outputs.
Maybe some of us will raise the question HOW and WHY? But this is how it will gonna be, some of us work with
little knowledge, and that is why performing task takes us more and longer period. We should be familiar and expert with what we're doing, in that sense faster movement and turnover will be executed.
Invest fewer minutes of work and extract more profit. Be an expert in your own field so that lesser mistake and more accuracy in performing.
Service comes with physical labor and intellectual equity, let there be no mistake.


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