Poor minds talk about People, average minds talk about Events, and Great minds talk about IDEAS.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Why don't more people become millionaire, They just don't have enough reasons to.

Reasons are main reason why you're thrusting toward a goal. They're the power behind why you wake up early, complete your work no matter what, set and meet the deadline, bring out any requirements. Because you have several reasons why you must achieve and gain, this is also the reason why you never stop the activity when it ends, but finding more activity before a certain activity ends. More finish activity means more outputs and better possibilities, it also means more options and more alternatives. More sources and more reserves.

Reasons are stimulus and motivations. It will push and inspire you become more productive and excellent, it ignites your urgency and alertness to finish a certain task that must be done in a certain period. Reasons are the oppositions to stop, they're just like powers that pushing and kicking you behind until you reach the goal. If you have no reasons for having any goal, you don't have reason to succeed and move to higher level or status.

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